Things are changing
New Dates -
1st, 2nd, 3rd August 2025.
New location -
in front of Astley Hall, Astley Park.
Biggest change -
We're going OPEN AIR
Since we began ChorFest, we've always worked to give the people of Chorley and surrounding areas a great weekend of live music and some of the best tributes from across the UK.
Since our first year, the overhead costs of putting on the event has in some areas quadrupled. The increase in costs are the same for all festivals across the UK, meaning many festivals have disappeared over the last few years due to them not being sustainable.
But we are committed to giving the people of Chorley and surrounding area a weekend of live entertainment which will include the best Tribute artists from both the local area and across the UK.
For ChorFest - Chorley Music Festival to continue to be a success it is important that the event is supported by attendees purchasing their tickets at the earliest opportunity, this helps with the arrangements and helps to plan more activities across the ChorFest weekend.
So we've been working with Chorley Council to improve the event for both ChorFest and the council events.
We'll be changing to the weekend that follows Chorley Flower Show, so ChorFest25 will be on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd August 2025.
This will mean that there is a much improved access to the event from all entrances to Astley Park, rather than just the Town Centre side.
Improved Access to more local parking.
Disability parking closer to the event space.
Improved event space to allow better festival experiences.
The beautiful Astley Hall will be the back drop to the ChorFest stage and will create an incredible atmosphere especially as we light up Astley Hall as darkness falls.
We'll experience a true festival by going open air with NO Entertainment Marquee.
We've been working with the council for a number of years to be able to use this space in front of Astley Hall and now we have the opportunity to make ChorFest amazing.
We've been working with lots of artists both new to ChorFest and ones who've performed before, we've listened to your previous suggestions but now is another chance to give your suggestions, feel free to think outside the box!!
We are excited about these changes and we hope you are excited as well.
Roll on summer for our biggest event yet with ChorFest25.